annapi wrote:
Hello, I found in this site that someone had translated the lyrics to "It's a Small World" into Irish Gaelic. Unfortunately the link to the video of him singing it went nowhere, so I don't know how to pronounce it. If there is someone who can sing it I would love to hear it. If no one is willing to sing, even hearing the lyrics spoken would help tremendously.
How different is this from Scottish? Is there someone who can translate this into Scottish Gaelic and give me the pronunciation? My kids are part of a choir that sings this song (only one verse, doesn't matter which) in different languages, and we would love to include both Irish and Scottish, but our target is to sing it in Scottish to go with the costume. I would be curious to listen to the difference between the Irish and Scottish languages.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
"Small World" in Irish:
Is domhan a' gháire é, domhan na ndeor
Is domhan a' dóchais é, l'eagla go leor
Tá a lán 'ainn i gcomhar go bhfuil sé'n am linn fios a fháil
gur domhan beag é, ceart go leor
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é
Níl ach gealach amháin ann, 's grian ór ghrách
ach is ciall le miongháire cairdeas go chách
Cé go roinneann na sléibhte's tá na haigéin mór
is domhan beag é, ceart go leor
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é, ceart go leor,
Is domhan beag é
That translation was created on another forum which most of us left when it went commercial (and very much downhill), and that situation was the background to the creation of this forum as a replacement several years ago. If I'm recalling things correctly, Redwolf (a frequent poster on this forum) came up with most of the translation, with input from others, and I came up with the "ceart go leor" part of the chorus, since there were problems finding something to fit the tune well there.
The chorus can stay almost exactly the same in Scottish Gaelic [Gàidhlig], with a few changes in spelling (note the deletion of the accent mark over the "e", and the addition of one over the "o", slanted in the other direction). The verses are a bit more difficult. The two languages are still very close to one another, but Gàidhlig grammar, syntax, and spelling (and also word choice) can be different, so it's not always possible to use the same approach and have things "scan" well. Here's a start, but I suggest waiting to see what others think (there are other forum participants whose Gàidhlig is much better than mine):
Is domhan a’ ghàire e, domhan nan deòir.
domhan an dòchais, leis an t-eagal cuideachd.
Tha mòran againn an cumantas, ‘s tha an t-àm againn tuig,
gur domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr.
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e
Chan eil ach gealach a-mhàin ann, ‘s grian òr ghràdhach,
ach tha faite-gàire càirdeil don a h-uile duine.
Ged a roinnidh na beanntan, ’s tha farsaing na cuantan,
is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e, ceart gu leòr,
Is domhan beag e
I've edited this to play around with the wording a bit, applying some poetic license in an attempt to make things scan better than my initial effort did.